Classical surgery, which is popularly called open surgery, has left its place to laparoscopic (closed) surgery,
which results in smaller scars and less pain. Laparoscopic (closed) surgery, which has a very important place in the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, is the surgery performed with the help of instruments and cameras, which are inserted into the body through small incisions, the largest of which is 1 cm, without making large incisions. It is successfully applied by our Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialists in our hospital.
The number of aesthetic operations performed with laser in medicine is increasing gradually. Laser techniques also hold an important place in the treatment of genital aesthetic and gynecological diseases. It provides important advantages in laser treatments in gynecological diseases and genital aesthetics. Laser can be used for genital whitening, vaginal narrowing, urinary incontinence, uterine and bladder sagging, loss of flexibility of the vagina, vaginal dryness, pleasure sensation problems during sexual intercourse, vaginal infections, cervical wounds, burning genital warts.
Diseases Diagnosed and Treated in our Gynecology and Obstetrics Department:
Laparoscopic Surgeries:
Genital cosmetic surgery:
Incontinence Surgery:
Open surgeries:
Placental anomalies: