Newborn Intensive Care

Newborn Intensive Care

Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit provides service with its experienced staff of specialist doctors and nurses. Our aim is to bring sick babies born prematurely or on time to life in a healthy way. The latest treatment methods are applied BY 24-hour specialist doctors and newborn nurses.

If necessary, pediatric cardiology, pediatric nephrology, pediatric surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery consultations are requested. In babies born under 32 weeks, weekly cranial Usg checks and routine eye checks are performed from the age of 1 month. Our unit accepts babies from other hospitals besides our own hospital. When necessary, we make the transfer with our own ambulance and transport incubator.

Equipment of our unit:

  • 27 incubators
  • 14 ventilators
  • 2 transport incubators
  • 2 isolation rooms
  • Monitor for each incubator
  • Breast milk and formula preparation room

Treatments and interventions applied in our unit:

  • Total parenteral nutrition
  • Ventilator therapy
  • Umbilical artery and vein catheterization
  • Central vein catheterization
  • Phototherapy
  • Exchange transfusion
  • Surfactant application
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